EU funds
The project was co-financed by the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund
Improving the CRATIS website
User: Cratis d.o.o., Varaždinske Toplice
Project name: "Improving the CRATIS website"
Short description of the project: The purpose of the project is to improve the website through the design and better layout of the elements, which will increase the functionality and visibility of the company, and ultimately the sale itself. With the improved website, customers will be provided with a simpler and more detailed insight into the company's business and offer.
Objectives and expected results of the project: By implementing the Project, the company will strengthen its market position by improving its market presence and visibility of services. The improved website will enable better connection with the target group of customers in real-time, availability of analytical data that can be used to improve business and build a better business relationship with its target group of consumers, which will directly increase competitiveness and revenue growth and development of the entire business.
Total project value (in HRK): 112,906.25 HRK
EU co-financed amount: HRK 62,118.75
Project implementation period: March 4, 2019 - March 4, 2020
Contact person: Matija Grabar,
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